The Look of Love

Do Not Trust Him!

The Look of Love Niya ParksComment

Vice President Kamala Harris, Donald J. Trump, JD Vance, Speaker Mike Johnson, do not trust Lammy. His inherent policies appear to be counter to Israel, and he appears to support Hamas and the other terrorist organizations that murdered innocent Israelis in the October 7th massacre. Do not trust him. He will try to divide the land.

Israel Wants Peace, But Will Fight Back As Needed. "Netanyahu Also Calls On The International Community To Enhance Its Measures Against Iran & Its Proxies"

The Look of Love Niya ParksComment

“Israel’s attack in Yemen today 'makes it clear to our enemies that there is no place that the long arm of Israel will not reach,' says Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a video statement released on Saturday evening, shortly after the end of Shabbat. He praises the IDF and the IAF for 'a determined, precise and successful operation. It struck targets 1,700 kilometers from our borders,' he notes.

'I have a message for Israel’s enemies – don’t be mistaken about us,' Netanyahu says, a day before he is scheduled to fly to Washington DC. 'We will protect ourselves in every way, on every front. Anyone who harms us will pay a very heavy price for his aggression.'

Netanyahu also calls on the international community to enhance its measures against Iran and its proxies: 'Anyone who wishes to see a stable and safe Middle East needs to stand against Iran’s axis of evil, and support Israel’s fight against Iran and its proxies – in Yemen, in Gaza, in Lebanon, everywhere.'

Netanyahu underscores that the strike on the al-Hudaydah port, which was used by the Houthis as an entry point for its weapons supplies, was a 'direct response' to Friday’s deadly drone attack in Tel Aviv launched by the Houthis in Yemen in which an Israeli citizen was killed, and to the Houthis’ 'aggression against Israel since the start of the war.'”

Read more here:

“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivers a video statement following an Israeli strike on the Houthis in Yemen, July 20, 2024. (Screenshot/GPO)”


The Look of Love Niya ParksComment

Psalm 22:6: "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May they prosper who love you.'"

Genesis 15:18-21: "On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, “To your offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates, the land of the Kenites, the Kenizzites, the Kadmonites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Rephaim, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites and the Jebusites.”

Joel 3:1-2: "For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land,"

Zachariah 12:4-5: "In that day,’ says the Lord, ‘I will strike every horse with confusion, and its rider with madness; I will open My eyes on the house of Judah, and will strike every horse of the nations with blindness. And the governors of Judah shall say in their heart, ‘The inhabitants of Jerusalem are my strength in the Lord of hosts, their God."

Genesis 12:3: “I will bless those who bless you (Israel), and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

The Land Belongs to Israel!

The Look of Love Niya ParksComment

"The Jewish people are not occupiers in their own land, including in our eternal capital Jerusalem nor in Judea and Samaria, our historical homeland. No absurd opinion in the Hague can deny this historical truth or the legal right of Israelis to live in their own communities in our ancestorial home." -PM Netanyahu

Does The U.N. Have Dirty Hands?

The Look of Love Niya ParksComment

"Labour has restored taxpayer funding to a UN agency that was implicated in the Oct 7 Hamas terror attacks on Israel.

David Lammy announced that the Government was immediately lifting a block on payments to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza...

Rishi Sunak cut off funding to UNRWA after allegations emerged that some of its staff were involved in the Oct 7 attacks, in which 1,139 Israelis were killed. A further 251 were taken hostage by Hamas, of whom 116 are still unaccounted for."

Read along here to discover the U.N.'s apparent hypocrisy:

"Palestinian President Blames Hamas for Continuing War in Gaza"

The Look of Love Niya ParksComment

"Palestinian President Blames Hamas for Continuing War in Gaza"

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas "blamed Hamas for the continuing war in Gaza.

His comments signal rising tension between Abbas's Fatah faction and the Islamist Hamas group, which accused the Palestinian president of taking Israel's side.

Abbas maintains a limited self-rule in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, assigned blame to Hamas, whose Oct 7 attack inside Israel, in which 1,200 people were killed and around 250 others were abducted, kicked off the nine-month war in Gaza."

REUTERS/Hamad I Mohammed/ File Photo

President Donald Trump Shares PM Netanyahu's Statement Condemning Assassination Attempt

The Look of Love Niya ParksComment

President Donald Trump Shares PM Netanyahu's Statement Condemning Assassination Attempt

In a recent video, Netanyahu said he and wife Sara “were shocked by the horrific assassination attempt on the life of President Donald Trump”, and added, "This wasn't just an attack on Donald Trump. This was an attack on a candidate for the presidency of the United States. This was an attack on America. It was an attack on democracy, it was an attack on all the democracies." - PM Netanyahu

Read on here:

Source: Google, Photo by Unknown

"On behalf of myself, my family, the Government and people of Israel, we wish President Trump a speedy recovery, continued good health and continued strength." - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

The Look of Love Niya ParksComment

"Like all Israelis, my wife Sara and I were shocked by the horrific assassination attempt on the life of President Donald Trump.

This wasn't just an attack on Donald Trump. This was an attack on a candidate for the presidency of the United States. This was an attack on America. It was an attack on democracy, it was an attack on all the democracies.

On behalf of myself, my family, the Government and people of Israel, we wish President Trump a speedy recovery, continued good health and continued strength." - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

This Is The Heritage Of The Servants Of The LORD

The Look of Love Niya ParksComment

"No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD" (Isaiah 54:17).

Donald J. Trump and Melania Trump keep supporting Israel, Netanyahu, and Ukraine, stand in righteousness, do justice for everyone equally, and God will be with you.

Sincere Prayers For President Donald Trump❤️

The Look of Love Niya ParksComment

We are deeply saddened and terrified by the unfortunate events of today and extend our sincerest prayers for a speedy and positive recovery for President Donald Trump. May God cover, keep, and raise you forward for good!

I've been a democrat my entire life, but after what they have done to me, they will never have my support.

God Bless You Mr. President and First Lady Melania Trump!❤️

Biden Blame Hamas, NOT Israel!

The Look of Love Niya ParksComment

Dear President Biden,

Based on ongoing efforts, it is clear that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is working towards peace in the region. However, considering that Hamas NEVER keeps their word, it's important that Prime Minister Netanyahu thoroughly reviews and considers all terms of the agreement.

Also, in light of the current war and multi-front conflicts in the region, it's imperative that he remains thoughtful and aware in his efforts to keep Israel safe.

Past, present, and future, Israel is always on the right side of history!


MORE WORLD SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL: "Argentina Designates Hamas A Terrorist Group"

The Look of Love Niya ParksComment

"BUENOS AIRES, Argentina -- Argentina designated Hamas a terrorist organization Friday and ordered a freeze on the financial assets of the Palestinian group, a largely symbolic move as President Javier Milei seeks to align Argentina strongly with the U.S. and Israel.

Announcing the decision, Milei's office cited the militant Palestinian group's cross-border attack on Israel last Oct. 7 that killed some 1,200 people and took 250 others hostage, in the deadliest assault in Israel’s 76-year history.

The statement also mentioned Hamas' close ties to Iran, which Argentina blames for two deadly militant attacks on Jewish sites in the country."

Read on here:

#VivaArgentina #VivaIsrael


The Look of Love Niya ParksComment

As you see below, Israel is and has been doing the just a righteous things, but the UN simply is not reporting on the truth! Please see the FACTS below!

"🚚261 trucks carrying humanitarian goods were transferred to Gaza. Out of which: 🚛248 trucks via the Kerem Shalom Crossing. 🚛13 trucks via the Erez Crossing. 9️⃣6️⃣: A convoy of 34 trucks and fuel tankers entered Gaza via Gate 96.

⛽️6 tankers of fuel and 6 tankers of cooking gas designated for the operation of essential infrastructure entered Gaza.

🪂31 pallets (5.58 tons) were airdropped over Gaza

As always, we will continue expanding our efforts to humanitarian aid facilities across Gaza" - COGAT

"Israel’s Holocaust Memorial Opens A Conservation Facility To Store Artifacts, Photos And More"

The Look of Love Niya ParksComment

"The facility includes labs for conservation, enabling experts to revisit some of the museum’s trickier items, such as a film canister that a family who fled Austria in 1939 brought with them. It was donated to the museum but arrived in an advanced state of decay...

Using organic solvents, conservators were able to restore some of the film’s flexibility, allowing them to carefully unravel pieces of it. Using a microscope, they were able to see a few frames in their entirety, including one showing a couple kissing on a bench in a park and other snapshots of Europe before World War II."

Discover more:

Photo by AP Maya Alleruzzo