The Look of Love

A Celebration of Good

The Look of Love Niya ParksComment

For the month of July, we've determined to continue our celebration of courage and the uplifting of those things that add light to our world. Oftentimes, we are so overwhelmed by the hour we live in that we are consumed and focus solely on these things. But let us rejoice in the Good that happens and may our collective prayers and hopes for humanity propel many more good things forward!

And so, we start our month honoring the wisdom and stand of State Trooper Jaret Doty and all those like him. As he teaches us in his incredible display of humanity, let your mark on the world be one of Light, servant leadership, empathy, compassion, and Justice. True power and honor is not found in crushing other human beings under the soles of one's feet. True power, honor, and wisdom is in upholding, lifting, empowering, helping and serving. May the courageous actions of Officer Doty be ones that we all aspire to follow!

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Linked article and images are from CNN