Are you looking for a great way to give back to your community and support children and youth in need?
Then join the cause and apply for our Volunteer Board of Directors opportunities today!
As our organization's founder, I welcome your consideration in applying to The Look of Love's Board of Directors. As a premier expert in your field, The Look of Love's Board provides you with an extended opportunity to continue to positively impact the community you serve.
The purpose of The Look of Love's Board of Directors is to bring together experts in the community that have a heart and passion for helping children in need, and that will use their expertise, talents, experiences, and resources to help guide this organization forward to the benefit of our nation's foster care community, homeless youth, and others who are in need of our support.
It truly does take a village to lift children into love and light and your contributions would be a true asset to our organization and the good we seek to do for our community.
Here are a few qualities we seek:
Innovative Visionary, Emotional Intelligence, Resilience, Compassion, Commitment to Advocacy, Diversity Inclusive, Strong Follow Through, Integrity, Loyalty, and Servant Leadership.
Skills & Expertise: Fundraising, Finance & Tax Accounting, Human Resources, Law & Legal, Health & Beauty, Mental Health & Well-Being, Social Justice, Government, Beauty Manufacturing, etc.
Some Terms & Requirements: Some Terms & Requirements: The Board may meet remotely 6 to 12 times per year. BOD applicants may be required to complete a background check based on their role, and a contract agreement. Board terms are for one year and may be extended year by year, without limit.
Meetings are conducted remotely during the pandemic, and for those that reside out of the area.
To inquire or to apply, please email us here: