The Story of The Look of Love by Niya Parks
Our Story:
As a social worker, The Look of Love’s founder, Niya Parks, saw firsthand the hardships children faced on a daily basis. It was heartbreaking to see the number of ethnically diverse children with hair painfully matted to their head because caregivers for these children didn’t have the resources or education to help them.
Her experience in social work moved her to create The Look of Love to provide outreach, education, and services to help foster children who are often overlooked, are victims of bullying, or have low self-esteem. By providing proper hair care to help children maintain their appearance, it is our hope that we can make one small difference for children living in the foster care system.
(Unfortunately, as a result of Parks reporting institutional racism in our nation’s foster care system, she experienced extensive liable and retaliation. There was a court battle, won by attorneys that democratic leadership placed, then they stole the massive settlement. In addition to this, former president Barack Obama took extensive steps to take Parks’ organization from her in 2020 and tried to give it to his apparent mistress, Monique Rodriguez).
Please see our recent public statements so you are aware of what happened and how the high-profile democrats that provided my attorneys, stole my settlement from when I was extensively liabled. I reported institutional racism against Black children in foster care and how they weren't combing or washing their hair for months, I was targeted with liable and extensive retaliation then democratic leadership stole the settlement that they helped me win.