A Proclamation on Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday, 2023
"Dr. King imagined a different future for America — an America he called the 'Beloved Community.' Building the Beloved Community required a key shift in human understanding. It meant looking beyond external differences to see the union of all humankind. It also meant finding a way to deal with our grievances without animosity, in a way that recognized the interconnectedness of all humanity and allowed us to move forward together.
From the pulpit to the podium to the streets, Dr. King devoted his life to the quest for this Beloved Community in our Nation. His activism and moral authority helped usher in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He gave a voice to the restless spirit of millions yearning for change. He gave us a roadmap to unify, to heal, and to sustain the blessings of the Nation to all of its people...
Dr. King preached that 'darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.' In his memory, we strive to challenge violence and bigotry with grace and goodness. We work to embed equity and opportunity into all of the Federal Government’s policies and programs. And we serve to bring together a Nation in our dedication to these ideals." - President Joseph R. Biden
Read more here: https://bit.ly/-MLK-Day-2023
MLK Day of Service: https://bit.ly/-MLK-Day-of-Service