The Look of Love

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It's unfortunate, but what the protests in Israel prove is there has been a debasing of a significant portion of the Israeli population

It's unfortunate, but what the protests in Israel prove is there has been a debasing of a significant portion of the Israeli population by western media, social media, and through technology.

There was a time when everyone knew the significance of the Holocaust and that it was another manifestation of the "everlasting hatred" and antisemitism that has targeted Jewish people unjustly for thousands of years.

The attacks and ongoing terrorism from Hamas, Hezbollah and beyond, aren't simply going away because protestors blame Israeli leadership for the conflicts, or because the protestors imagine that appeasing terrorists will help. If Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran wanted a peace deal, they would "seek peace and pursue it" not target, murder, and slaughter the innocent as they did on October 7th and as they continue to do.

When it comes to antisemitism that Jewish people throughout history have suffered, we must remain steadfast in prayer, invite God to fight for us, hold our righteous position on the good side of history as we always have, defend our nation, and draw close on one accord to support and uphold one another. When the world or our enemies come against us, we must unite and carry God on every side, not divide!